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工作室如何利用逐场景内容分析来提高广告的特异性和针对性, 以及当前的实施有多有效? 拜伦Saltysiak, 前副总裁, WarnerMedia, 特纳广播公司与皮特·斯科特讨论了这个话题, 首席战略顾问, 在任何地方玩Jesse Redniss,首席执行官 & 创始人之一, QonsentJames Lauzun,产品副总裁, MagellanTV,在这个剪辑中 流媒体东部2023.

Saltysiak begins by mentioning that classifying content by simple genre specifications does not fully capture all types of action and, 因此, 可能不是目标广告的最佳方式. “假设你有一部电影, 这是一部喜剧, 好吧, 一部喜剧将会有一场汽车追逐戏, 它会有一个悲伤的部分, 显然会有搞笑的部分和爱情的部分. So simple genre isn't going to represent this two-hour piece of content very 好吧…is anybody really pushing the needle forward on that? 比如,‘我很清楚这个场景是什么,我要针对这个场景投放广告?’”

“我们不是曾经这样做过吗?斯科特说. “我们瞄准了所有的节目? 然后我们派来的一些心理学家会说, “我知道,如果你在休息结束时展示一双鞋, 会有人买的. 照相器材 会买那些存货吗. 这就是相关性,对吧? 你看到的最后一件事将是你在广告时间看到的第一个东西.”

Redniss说:“有一些很酷的公司. 有一家公司叫 织物…the guy that started the company was deep into the content metadata tagging structure across all of Warner Media. 你摄入了经颅磁刺激的所有物质 Gracenote 信号. 现在有一些小公司 Vionlabs 他们正在做基于视频的实际摄取和逐场景的色彩分析, 帧率, 音乐, 演员, 和n taking the actual color wave 和 speed of the video to start categorizing more content metadata on top of that so that you can make recommendations on the fact that, ‘Oh, 杰西喜欢汤姆·克鲁斯式的动作惊悚片.’ And then you can actually drill directly in and deep link to those specific moments within those movies or shows. 很明显,你可以识别广告插播和情绪, ‘This advertiser needs to be aligned with this ad break coming out of this type of an experience within this show.“这真的很令人兴奋. 这也很可怕. But it's really exciting in regard to really understanding behavioral science of people's attention to the video itself.”

James Lauzun highlights the services that MagellanTV uses for its own deep analytics and emphasizes that this kind of detailed data is becoming more accessible to smaller platforms. 他说:“现在有一些创业公司以更实惠的价格开发这项技术。. “我们正在与一家名为 清晰的见解 这是一个类似的服务. 他们正在逐场景分析我们所有的内容. 在此基础上,我们创建了动态视频预览,它可以自我强化和自我学习. 我们现在正在做一个只有音频的交易. 果然如此, we run that back through the knowledge graph and have it identify titles that would be 好吧 suited for an audio-only experience versus titles that really rely on visuals…something that would've obviously been pretty tedious to have someone actually do, but now I can have the team focus on vetting those recommendations rather than trying to find them in the first place.”

Pete Scott talks about how this type of deep targeted analysis also helps with promotions for the content itself. 他说,根据他以前的经验, 只有一个促销将为一个特定的部分内容. 这是无效的, 他说, “Because you have to use different scenes and different shots for different types of people [who] may want a particular character they want to see first.他提到了增强数据可以提高“可控成本”的方式.他说:“制作版权或内容的成本将越来越高。. So the controllable costs that we manage in this room are going to be reliant on data to create more cost-effective shows or more cost-effective targeting and personalization. 我认为它会达到这个目标,只是因为其他所有东西都变得如此昂贵,风险太高.”

Redniss认为,在利用数据方面,如果利用不当,风险仍然很高. “如果你没有以正确的方式管理它,你最终会处于这样的境地 Facebook元像素国家橄榄球联盟 and 40 other media companies are now getting sued for Video Privacy Protection Act (VPPA) non-compliance because they were tracking every [viewing] on nfl.com, 然后你又回到了脸书, 他们会在未经你同意的情况下立即对你提出建议,他说. “所以这是对数据和消费者体验的理解, ‘Oh, 伟大的, 我们选择了IP地址,用于IP传输流媒体视频. That's actually protected in a way that you can't just use it unless the consumer actually knows and understands how that 信息 is getting used…you can't just run rampant with that. 你可以做出很酷的创新, 但是突然之间, 你现在的问题是发10个, 15, 2500万美元罚款. They just announced a Facebook fine that's going to exceed the $780 million fine for their data transfers from the EU to the US. 这是一个昂贵的风险. 所以这两件事需要结合在一起, 你能在哪里平衡, 做对消费者吗, 同时也要创新.”

了解有关流媒体行业主题的更多信息,请访问 流媒体连接2023.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


可以说, the two biggest challenges in the FAST ecosystem are managing the ad experience and delivering ROI for the brands that support the platform. 专家, 从弗里曼特尔的劳拉·弗洛伦斯到Fuse Media的帕特里克·考特尼,再到媒体制图师埃文·夏皮罗, agree that standardizing the data they collect and delivering on the promise of programmatic advertising is the key to making it all work. 但这段来自2024年流媒体连接的视频显示,说起来容易做起来难.


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